Thursday, November 24, 2011

Be Thankful & Know Your History

While I fully support the concept of Thanksgiving, my heart is not entirely in it. I embrace the idea of being thankful for what you have and grateful for the people you hold dear but I am Native American and for most of us it is a reminder of the beginning of a sad time for our people.

In 1621 a group of religious separatists aka pilgrims from Plymouth, England came on the ship called the Mayflower and landed near Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They came poor, sickened with disease and struggled to grow crops. Many were dying. Squanto, a Native American found them in a pitiful state.  The Wampanog tribe helped them survive the winter and taught them how to grow food. My people were wary having experienced European slave traders, but it is their way to give freely to those who have nothing. 

To most of the colonists the Native Americans were considered heathens and of the devil. They saw Squanto not as an equal but as an instrument of their God to help his chosen people. At the first Thanksgiving, they came together sharing food. That was the last bit of  harmony that the colonists and my ancestors shared. What came next? A history full of betrayal, blood and tears. A true genocide of the Native American people.

Reflection is necessary and is needed often, not just once a year. It is important to be thankful but also to be educated by knowing your history. It is by this that you can come up with your own conclusion. Don't take everything a face value. Do your research and remember to analyze. Not all things they teach you in school are entirely accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving and columbus day.. two holidays that really just sort of don't make sense to celibrate. But yes it is always good to focus on what you are thankful for... everyday.
