Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Mr. President

I proudly voted for you during the last election and I ask one thing of you now. Please help the peaceful occupy wall street protesters. Our rights to freedom of speech and to peacefully assemble are being violated to a scale that I thought we had moved past in this country. Instead, I am being reminded of the horrific 1968 Chicago Democratic convention beatings and the massacre at Kent State in 1970. Pregnant women, war veterans, senior citizens, college students,  and many others are being brutally attacked by police and you do nothing. I beg you to step in and help us now. If you are the man I believe you to be then you will stop this madness.


  1. I am proud to say that I know this person...she is brave and smart and the fact that she has posted this shows her character and compassion. I hope that Mr. Obama sees this and responds accordingly our rights as free americans are being violated and I for one am behind the protesters...I hope they get some results.

  2. Thank you so much Katie. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I hope we start seeing some changes as well.
