Friday, December 16, 2011

Welcome to 1984

A George Orwellian society seems to be at our doorstep. Perpetual wars, Big Brother surveillance, a society ran by a privileged elite. Pessimistic? Perhaps but consider the endless greed and corruption, assaults on peaceful protesters, and most recently the government bills of NDAA & SOPA. Betrayed and realistic seem more accurate.

The recent provision in The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is violating our bill of rights. Writing into law an assumed role for the military in domestic terrorism that did not exist previously. Authorizing secret military kidnappings, indefinite detainment, torture and assassinations against our own citizens. 

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill effectively ending the internet as we know it. Authorizing the federal government and corporations to shut down web sites without a trial for posting a single piece of copyright-infringing content. Lacking concrete definitions of what would qualify as criminal conduct making false accusations all that more probable.

Our freedom of speech is under attack. If you agree, then please make your voice heard. We need to stand up to this oppression now more then ever and take our country back. Join local protests, sign petitions, call your government officials and remember to vote. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.


  1. I can't tell you how many times I've signed and spread petitions against SOPA and the lovely little add on to the NDAA. I like when people learn about nazi Germany they act like .....oh if it were me I would never have let it get that bad how could they have just let that happen. .....Yet here we are with such simillar crazy ideas trying to get passed and very few people are saying a thing.... and don't even get me started on the idea of terrorism... excuse me we are the ones invading countries we are the ones raised brainwashed to hate anything muslim middle eastern or arab....we are the ones terrorizing other nations..... but oh no THEY are the terrorists....THEY are the bad guys that because of THEM we are so willing to give up our rights. Sighhhh

  2. So true! The fact that you and others also feel this way gives me hope. We can't lose that.
